Unlocking the Power of Woocommerce Subscriptions: Adding a Line of Text Before Recurring Totals in the Cart Table
Image by Steph - hkhazo.biz.id

Unlocking the Power of Woocommerce Subscriptions: Adding a Line of Text Before Recurring Totals in the Cart Table

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Are you tired of a cluttered and confusing cart table on your Woocommerce Subscriptions-based online store? Do you want to provide your customers with a clear and concise breakdown of their recurring payments? If so, you’re in the right place! In this comprehensive guide, we’ll walk you through the step-by-step process of adding a line of text before the recurring totals in the cart table, giving your customers a better understanding of their subscription costs.

Understanding the Default Cart Table

The default cart table in Woocommerce Subscriptions provides a bare-bones breakdown of the customer’s cart contents, including the product name, quantity, and subtotal. However, when it comes to recurring payments, the default table can be confusing, especially for customers who are new to subscription-based services.

Product Quantity Subtotal
Monthly Coffee Subscription 1 $10.00 / month
Recurring Total $10.00 / month
Shipping $5.00
Total $15.00 / month

As you can see, the default cart table doesn’t provide much context about the recurring payment, making it difficult for customers to understand how their subscription costs are broken down.

The Solution: Adding a Line of Text Before Recurring Totals

To provide a clearer breakdown of recurring payments, we’ll add a line of text before the recurring totals in the cart table. This will give customers a better understanding of their subscription costs and help to reduce confusion.

Step 1: Creating a Custom Function

The first step is to create a custom function that will add the line of text before the recurring totals. To do this, you’ll need to add the following code to your theme’s functions.php file:

function add_recurring_text_before_totals() {

This function will be used to hook into the Woocommerce cart table and add our custom line of text.

Step 2: Hooking into the Cart Table

To add our custom line of text before the recurring totals, we’ll use the `woocommerce_cart_contents` action hook. This hook allows us to modify the cart table content before it’s rendered.

add_action( 'woocommerce_cart_contents', 'add_recurring_text_before_totals', 10 );

The `10` in the code above refers to the priority of the hook, which determines when the function is executed. A lower priority means the function will be executed earlier, while a higher priority means it will be executed later.

Step 3: Adding the Custom Line of Text

Now that we’ve hooked into the cart table, we can add our custom line of text before the recurring totals. To do this, we’ll use the following code:

function add_recurring_text_before_totals() {
  ?><tr><td colspan="2"><strong>Recurring Payment Information:</strong></td></tr>

This code adds a new table row with a colspan of 2, which spans the entire width of the table. The `` tag is used to add emphasis to the text, and the `Recurring Payment Information:` text is what will be displayed to the customer.

Step 4: Displaying the Modified Cart Table

Now that we’ve added our custom line of text, we need to display the modified cart table. To do this, we’ll use the following code:

add_action( 'woocommerce_cart_contents', 'display_modified_cart_table', 20 );
function display_modified_cart_table() {
  wc_get_template( 'cart/cart.php' );

This code uses the `woocommerce_cart_contents` action hook again, but with a higher priority (20) to ensure that it’s executed after our custom function. The `wc_get_template` function is used to display the modified cart table.

The Result: A Clearer Breakdown of Recurring Payments

With our custom function and hook in place, the cart table will now display a clear breakdown of recurring payments, including our custom line of text before the recurring totals.

Product Quantity Subtotal
Monthly Coffee Subscription 1 $10.00 / month
Recurring Payment Information:
Recurring Total $10.00 / month
Shipping $5.00
Total $15.00 / month

As you can see, the custom line of text provides a clear breakdown of the recurring payment information, giving customers a better understanding of their subscription costs.


In this article, we’ve demonstrated how to add a line of text before the recurring totals in the Woocommerce Subscriptions cart table. By following these steps, you can provide your customers with a clear and concise breakdown of their subscription costs, reducing confusion and improving the overall shopping experience.

Bonus Material: Additional Customization Options

While adding a line of text before the recurring totals is a great start, you may want to further customize the cart table to better suit your store’s needs. Here are a few additional customization options you can consider:

  • Adding a custom column: You can add a custom column to the cart table to display additional information, such as the billing frequency or payment method.

  • Changing the table layout: You can modify the table layout to better suit your store’s design. For example, you could use a responsive table layout to improve mobile usability.

  • Adding conditional logic: You can add conditional logic to the cart table to display different information based on the customer’s subscription status or payment method.

By leveraging these customization options, you can create a cart table that’s tailored to your store’s unique needs and provides a better shopping experience for your customers.

We hope this article has been informative and helpful in your quest to unlock the power of Woocommerce Subscriptions. Happy coding!

Here are 5 questions and answers about “Woocommerce Subscriptions Cart table: add line of text before recurring totals” with a creative voice and tone:

Frequently Asked Questions

Get the inside scoop on customizing your Woocommerce Subscriptions Cart table!

How do I add a line of text before the recurring totals in my Woocommerce Subscriptions Cart table?

You can use a combination of PHP and CSS to achieve this. Simply add a filter to the `woocommerce_subscription_totals` action hook and use the `wc_add_notice` function to add your custom text. Then, use CSS to style the text and position it before the recurring totals.

What is the code snippet to add a line of text before the recurring totals?

Here’s an example code snippet: `add_filter( ‘woocommerce_subscription_totals’, ‘add_custom_text_before_recurring_totals’ ); function add_custom_text_before_recurring_totals( $totals ) { wc_add_notice( ‘

Your custom text here

‘, ‘notice’ ); return $totals; }`. Just replace “Your custom text here” with the text you want to add!

How do I style the added text to make it more prominent?

You can add custom CSS to target the `

` element containing your added text. For example, you can add the following code to your theme’s stylesheet: `.woocommerce-notice { font-size: 18px; font-weight: bold; color: #333; }`. This will make the text larger, bolder, and darker.

Will this code snippet work for all types of subscriptions?

Yes, this code snippet should work for all types of subscriptions, including simple and variable subscriptions. However, keep in mind that the exact styling may vary depending on your theme and customization.

What if I’m not comfortable with coding? Can I still add a line of text before the recurring totals?

Don’t worry! If you’re not comfortable with coding, you can use a third-party plugin that allows you to customize the Woocommerce Subscriptions Cart table without coding. There are several plugins available that offer this functionality, such as Woocommerce Customizer or YayCommerce.

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