Table Tales: Unraveling the Mystery of Large Table Creation
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Table Tales: Unraveling the Mystery of Large Table Creation

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When working with databases, you might have stumbled upon a curious conundrum: If a large table is created from another large table, is that new table saved as a separate entity, or a reference to the original table? Fear not, dear database devotee, for we’re about to embark on a thrilling adventure to uncover the truth!

The Theory of Table Creation

At its core, a table in a database represents a collection of related data, neatly organized into rows and columns. When you create a new table based on an existing one, you’re essentially creating a new entity that’s derived from the original. But here’s where things get interesting: the exact nature of this new table depends on the database management system (DBMS) and the method used to create it.

Methods of Table Creation

There are two primary methods to create a new table from an existing one:

  • SELECT INTO: This method creates a new table by selecting specific columns from the original table and inserting them into a newly created table. The resulting table is a separate entity, with its own storage and management.
  • CREATE TABLE AS: This method creates a new table by executing a query that references the original table. The resulting table can be either a separate entity or a reference to the original table, depending on the DBMS and the specific syntax used.

DBMS Differences

Now, here’s where things get complicated. Different DBMSs handle table creation differently, and it’s essential to understand these differences to avoid potential pitfalls.

MySQL Separate entity Reference to original table (unless explicitly specified)
PostgreSQL Separate entity Separate entity (unless using CTAS with ‘as’ keyword)
SQL Server Separate entity Separate entity (unless using CTAS with ‘select into’ keyword)
Oracle Not supported Separate entity (unless using CTAS with ‘as’ keyword)

Practical Implications

So, what does this mean for your database design and performance? Let’s explore some practical implications of table creation:

Data Consistency

If the new table is a separate entity, changes to the original table won’t affect the new table. However, if the new table is a reference to the original table, changes to the original table may impact the new table, potentially leading to data inconsistencies.

FROM original_table;

Storage and Performance

A separate entity requires additional storage space, which can be a concern for large tables. On the other hand, if the new table is a reference to the original table, it may reduce storage requirements but could lead to performance issues if the original table is massive.

FROM original_table;

Indexing and Constraints

When creating a new table from an existing one, it’s essential to consider indexing and constraints. If the new table is a separate entity, you’ll need to recreate indexes and constraints. However, if the new table is a reference to the original table, the original table’s indexes and constraints will be implicitly applied.

CREATE TABLE new_table (

CREATE INDEX idx_name ON new_table (name);

Best Practices

Now that we’ve explored the mysteries of table creation, here are some best practices to keep in mind:

  1. Understand your DBMS: Familiarize yourself with the specifics of your chosen DBMS to avoid potential pitfalls.
  2. Choose the right method: Select the method that best suits your use case, considering storage, performance, and data consistency.
  3. Plan for indexing and constraints: Ensure you recreate indexes and constraints as necessary to maintain data integrity and optimal performance.
  4. Monitor and optimize: Regularly monitor your database performance and make adjustments as needed to ensure optimal operation.


In conclusion, the answer to our initial question is not a simple one. The nature of the new table created from an existing large table depends on the DBMS, the method used, and the specific syntax employed. By understanding these intricacies and following best practices, you can ensure a well-designed database that meets your performance and data integrity needs.

So, the next time you create a new table from an existing one, remember to ask yourself: “Is this new table a separate entity, or a reference to the original table?” The answer will lead you down a path of database wisdom, where your data is efficiently stored, and your performance is optimized.

Frequently Asked Question

Get the lowdown on table creation and referencing!

Is the new table a separate entity or just a reference to the original table?

The new table is indeed a separate entity, with its own physical storage and data. It’s not just a reference to the original table. When you create a new table from an existing one, the database creates a fresh copy of the data, which can be modified independently of the original table.

Does this mean the new table takes up more storage space?

Yes, that’s correct! The new table will occupy additional storage space, as it has its own copy of the data. So, if the original table is massive, the new table will also be quite large, taking up more space in your database.

Can I modify the original table without affecting the new table?

Absolutely! Since the new table is a separate entity, changes made to the original table won’t affect the new table. You can modify the original table as needed, without worrying about impacting the new table.

What if I want to create a view instead of a new table?

A view is a different story! A view is essentially a virtual table based on the result of a query. It doesn’t store data physically, but rather references the underlying tables. So, if you create a view from a large table, it won’t occupy additional storage space. However, be aware that views can impact performance, as the database needs to execute the underlying query to display the data.

Are there any scenarios where creating a new table from an existing one is not recommended?

Yes, there are scenarios where creating a new table from an existing one might not be the best approach. For instance, if the original table is massive and you’re dealing with strict storage constraints, creating a new table could lead to storage issues. Additionally, if the data is highly volatile or you need to maintain data consistency, creating a new table might not be the most efficient solution.