The Mysterious Case of monaco-editor-nls Not Working with Monaco Editor
Image by Steph -

The Mysterious Case of monaco-editor-nls Not Working with Monaco Editor

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If you’re reading this, chances are you’ve stumbled upon a frustrating issue: monaco-editor-nls is not working with Monaco Editor. Don’t worry, you’re not alone! In this article, we’ll dive into the world of Monaco Editor, explore the possible reasons behind this issue, and provide you with a step-by-step guide to fix it.

What is Monaco Editor?

Monaco Editor is a popular, open-source code editor developed by Microsoft. It’s widely used in various applications, including Visual Studio Code, Azure DevOps, and GitHub. Monaco Editor provides an extensible, customizable, and high-performance editing experience.

What is monaco-editor-nls?

monaco-editor-nls is an NLS (National Language Support) package designed specifically for Monaco Editor. It enables support for multiple languages, providing features like syntax highlighting, code completion, and diagnostics. In other words, monaco-editor-nls makes Monaco Editor more intelligent and language-aware.

The Problem: monaco-editor-nls is Not Working

So, you’ve integrated Monaco Editor into your application, and you’re expecting monaco-editor-nls to work its magic. But, alas! The language support features are not kicking in. You’ve tried tweaking the configuration, but nothing seems to work. Frustrating, right?

Possible Reasons Behind the Issue

Before we dive into the solutions, let’s explore some possible reasons why monaco-editor-nls might not be working with Monaco Editor:

  • Incorrect or missing dependencies
  • Incompatible versions of Monaco Editor and monaco-editor-nls
  • Improper configuration or initialization
  • Conflicting plugins or extensions
  • Corrupted or incomplete installation

Step-by-Step Solution

Fear not, dear developer! We’ll guide you through a series of steps to troubleshoot and fix the issue.

Step 1: Verify Dependencies

Ensure you have the correct dependencies installed. You’ll need:

  • monaco-editor (latest version)
  • monaco-editor-nls (latest version)
  • monaco-languages (optional, but recommended)
npm install monaco-editor monaco-editor-nls monaco-languages

Step 2: Check Version Compatibility

Verify that you’re using compatible versions of Monaco Editor and monaco-editor-nls. You can check the version numbers in your package.json file:

"dependencies": {
  "monaco-editor": "^0.21.2",
  "monaco-editor-nls": "^0.21.2",
  "monaco-languages": "^0.21.2"

Make sure the versions match or are compatible.

Step 3: Initialize Monaco Editor Correctly

Double-check your Monaco Editor initialization code. Ensure you’re importing and initializing the editor correctly:

import { editor } from 'monaco-editor';

const editor = monaco.editor.create(document.getElementById('container'), {
  value: '// your code here',
  language: 'javascript',
  theme: 'vs-dark'

Step 4: Configure monaco-editor-nls

Configure monaco-editor-nls by importing the required languages and setting the language support:

import { languages } from 'monaco-editor-nls';

languages.setLanguageConfiguration('javascript', {
  // your language configuration here

languages.setLanguageService('javascript', () => {
  // your language service implementation here

Step 5: Verify Plugin Conflicts

If you’re using other plugins or extensions, try disabling them one by one to identify potential conflicts:

// Disable a plugin

// Re-initialize the editor
monaco.editor.create(document.getElementById('container'), {
  // your configuration here

Step 6: Reinstall and Verify

If all else fails, try reinstalling Monaco Editor and monaco-editor-nls:

npm uninstall monaco-editor monaco-editor-nls monaco-languages
npm install monaco-editor monaco-editor-nls monaco-languages

Verify that the issue is resolved by testing your Monaco Editor integration.


Fixing the monaco-editor-nls issue with Monaco Editor requires patience and a systematic approach. By following these steps, you should be able to identify and resolve the underlying problem. Remember to verify dependencies, check version compatibility, initialize Monaco Editor correctly, configure monaco-editor-nls, and verify plugin conflicts.

If you’re still struggling, don’t hesitate to reach out to the Monaco Editor community or seek help from a fellow developer. With persistence and the right guidance, you’ll be enjoying the benefits of monaco-editor-nls in no time!

Issue Solution
Incorrect or missing dependencies Verify dependencies and install missing ones
Incompatible versions of Monaco Editor and monaco-editor-nls Check version compatibility and update if necessary
Improper configuration or initialization Verify Monaco Editor initialization and configuration
Conflicting plugins or extensions Disable plugins one by one to identify conflicts
Corrupted or incomplete installation Reinstall Monaco Editor and monaco-editor-nls

Bonus Tip: Advanced Troubleshooting

If you’re still experiencing issues, try using the Monaco Editor debugger to identify the problem:

monaco.editor_installer.DEBUG = true;

// Initialize the editor with debugging enabled
monaco.editor.create(document.getElementById('container'), {
  value: '// your code here',
  language: 'javascript',
  theme: 'vs-dark',
  debug: true

This will enable debugging mode, allowing you to inspect the editor’s internal state and identify potential issues.

By following this comprehensive guide, you should be able to resolve the monaco-editor-nls issue with Monaco Editor. Happy coding!

Here are 5 questions and answers about “monaco-editor-nls is not working with monaco editor”:

Frequently Asked Questions

Having trouble getting monaco-editor-nls to work with your Monaco editor? Don’t worry, we’ve got you covered! Check out these frequently asked questions to get back on track.

Q: I’ve installed monaco-editor-nls, but my editor still doesn’t recognize language files. What’s going on?

A: Make sure you’ve correctly imported the language files into your Monaco editor. You might need to check your `monaco-editor-nls` configuration file or the `localectl` settings. Double-check that the language files are being loaded correctly.

Q: My editor is throwing an “Unknown language” error when I try to set the language. How can I fix this?

A: This usually occurs when the language ID is not correctly specified. Ensure that you’re using the correct language ID for your language file. You can check the Monaco editor documentation for a list of supported language IDs.

Q: I’ve set up monaco-editor-nls, but my editor still doesn’t provide code completion or syntax highlighting. What’s missing?

A: Ah, don’t worry! You might need to configure the Monaco editor to use the language services provided by monaco-editor-nls. Make sure you’ve enabled the language services and configured the editor to use the correct language configuration.

Q: Is monaco-editor-nls compatible with all Monaco editor versions?

A: monaco-editor-nls is designed to work with specific versions of Monaco editor. Ensure you’re using a compatible version of Monaco editor. You can check the monaco-editor-nls documentation for version compatibility information.

Q: I’m still stuck! Where can I get more help with monaco-editor-nls?

A: Don’t worry, we’ve got you covered! You can check out the official Monaco editor and monaco-editor-nls documentation, or join online communities and forums where developers discuss Monaco editor and related topics. You can also open an issue on the monaco-editor-nls GitHub page if you’re experiencing a specific problem.

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