Breaking Free from Gurobi: Replacing it with a Freeware Solver for Clustering Network Jobs in PyPSA-eur Default Configuration
Image by Steph -

Breaking Free from Gurobi: Replacing it with a Freeware Solver for Clustering Network Jobs in PyPSA-eur Default Configuration

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Are you tired of being held back by the costs and limitations of Gurobi? Do you want to unlock the full potential of your network clustering jobs in PyPSA-eur default configuration? Look no further! In this article, we’ll guide you through the process of replacing Gurobi with a freeware solver, giving you the freedom to optimize your network clustering jobs without breaking the bank.

What’s the Problem with Gurobi?

Gurobi is a powerful optimization tool, but it comes with a hefty price tag. For many researchers and developers, the cost of Gurobi can be a significant barrier to entry. Moreover, Gurobi’s licensing restrictions can limit its use in certain contexts, making it difficult to collaborate or share work with others.

Fortunately, there are excellent freeware solvers available that can replace Gurobi in many applications, including network clustering jobs in PyPSA-eur default configuration. In this article, we’ll focus on using the CBC (Coin-or Branch and Cut) solver, a popular and highly capable freeware solver.

Why CBC?

CBC is an open-source solver that’s widely used in academic and industrial settings. It’s a high-performance solver that’s particularly well-suited for mixed-integer linear programming (MILP) problems, which are common in network clustering applications.

CBC offers several advantages over Gurobi, including:

  • Zero cost: CBC is completely free to use, making it an attractive option for researchers and developers on a budget.
  • Faster performance: CBC is often faster than Gurobi for MILP problems, making it an excellent choice for large-scale network clustering jobs.
  • Open-source: CBC’s open-source nature means that the community can contribute to its development and provide support.

Installing CBC

Before we dive into the nitty-gritty of replacing Gurobi with CBC, you’ll need to install CBC on your system. Here are the steps:

  1. Head to the CBC website ( and download the appropriate installation package for your operating system.
  2. Follow the installation instructions for your operating system.
  3. Once installed, verify that CBC is working correctly by running the command cbc -h in your terminal or command prompt.

Replacing Gurobi with CBC in PyPSA-eur

Now that CBC is installed, let’s move on to replacing Gurobi with CBC in PyPSA-eur. We’ll assume you have PyPSA-eur installed and configured on your system.

To replace Gurobi with CBC, you’ll need to modify the PyPSA-eur configuration file. Here are the steps:

  1. Open the PyPSA-eur configuration file (pypsa-eur.yml) in a text editor.
  2. Locate the solver section and update the name parameter to cbc.
  3. Update the path parameter to point to the CBC executable on your system.
  4. Save the changes to the configuration file.
  name: cbc
  path: /usr/local/bin/cbc
  timelimit: 3600
  threads: 4

In this example, we’ve updated the solver name to cbc and pointed the path parameter to the CBC executable located at /usr/local/bin/cbc.

Running PyPSA-eur with CBC

With the configuration file updated, you’re ready to run PyPSA-eur with CBC. Here are the steps:

  1. Open a terminal or command prompt and navigate to the directory containing your PyPSA-eur configuration file.
  2. Run the command pypsa-eur -h to verify that CBC is being used as the solver.
  3. Run your PyPSA-eur simulation using the command pypsa-eur run.

Tuning CBC for Optimal Performance

While CBC is a high-performance solver, its performance can be further optimized by tuning its parameters. Here are some tips:

  • Use the -p option to specify the number of threads to use. For example, cbc -p 4 would use 4 threads.
  • Use the -t option to specify the time limit for the solver. For example, cbc -t 3600 would set a time limit of 1 hour.
  • Experiment with different values for the cut_passes and heuristics_frequency parameters to find the optimal settings for your problem.
  name: cbc
  path: /usr/local/bin/cbc
  timelimit: 3600
  threads: 4
  cut_passes: 10
  heuristics_frequency: 100

In this example, we’ve updated the solver configuration to use 4 threads, a time limit of 1 hour, and tuned the cut_passes and heuristics_frequency parameters for optimal performance.


Replacing Gurobi with a freeware solver like CBC can open up new possibilities for researchers and developers working with PyPSA-eur. By following the steps outlined in this article, you can unlock the full potential of CBC and optimize your network clustering jobs without breaking the bank.

Remember to tune CBC’s parameters for optimal performance, and don’t hesitate to explore other freeware solvers if CBC doesn’t meet your needs. Happy optimizing!

Solver Description Cost
Gurobi Commercial optimization solver $$$
CBC Freeware optimization solver Free

This article has provided a comprehensive guide to replacing Gurobi with CBC in PyPSA-eur. By following the steps outlined above, you can optimize your network clustering jobs and unlock the full potential of CBC. Happy optimizing!

Keywords: PyPSA-eur, Gurobi, CBC, freeware solver, network clustering, optimization, MILP, mixed-integer linear programming.

Here are 5 FAQs about replacing Gurobi with a freeware solver when clustering the network job of the PyPSA-eur default configuration:

Frequently Asked Questions

Get answers to your questions about replacing Gurobi with a freeware solver in PyPSA-eur.

What is the main reason for replacing Gurobi with a freeware solver in PyPSA-eur?

The main reason for replacing Gurobi with a freeware solver is to make PyPSA-eur more accessible and affordable for users who do not have a Gurobi license. This allows researchers and developers to use PyPSA-eur without incurring additional costs.

Which freeware solvers can be used as an alternative to Gurobi in PyPSA-eur?

Several freeware solvers can be used as an alternative to Gurobi in PyPSA-eur, including GLPK, CVXR, and CPLEX. However, it’s essential to note that the performance and compatibility of these solvers may vary depending on the specific use case and system requirements.

How does the replacement of Gurobi with a freeware solver affect the performance of PyPSA-eur?

The replacement of Gurobi with a freeware solver may affect the performance of PyPSA-eur, potentially leading to longer computation times or reduced model accuracy. However, the impact of this replacement depends on the specific solver chosen and the complexity of the optimization problem being solved.

Are there any specific configuration changes required to use a freeware solver in PyPSA-eur?

Yes, some configuration changes are required to use a freeware solver in PyPSA-eur. Users need to modify the solver settings in the PyPSA-eur configuration file to specify the freeware solver of their choice. Additionally, users may need to install the chosen solver and ensure it is properly configured on their system.

Will the replacement of Gurobi with a freeware solver affect the accuracy of the clustering results in PyPSA-eur?

The replacement of Gurobi with a freeware solver may affect the accuracy of the clustering results in PyPSA-eur, depending on the specific solver chosen and the complexity of the optimization problem. However, in general, freeware solvers can provide similar accuracy to Gurobi, especially for smaller-scale problems.

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